If you’ve ever questioned the goodness of God when going through difficult circumstances, you’re not alone! The sudden and unexpected death of my husband, leaving me a young widow with seven children to raise, left me wondering how Romans 8:28 could possibly be true. This verse promises that God works all things for good to those who love the Lord. At this heartbreaking place in my life, the only good I could see was having my husband back. Our children needed their father. As I wrestled with God, He graciously taught me what that verse means and showed me so much good through His Word. This book is my journey from a shattered life to a beautiful mosaic that God created from the broken pieces. He truly did work all of the sorrow and loss for good. Over and over, we see God working all things for good in the pages of Scripture, and if we look closely enough, we can see Him doing it in our own lives. It’s who He is and what He does!
Paperback available 1/31/2025 on Amazon.com. Pre-order the E-book today!